5th SuiteWorks Day Celebration

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Vibe to Five Years of Celebration: SuiteWorks' Unforgettable Anniversary Dinner

September 6, 2024, marked a special milestone in the life of SuiteWorks —our 5th anniversary! To get ready for the day, we had all the reasons to get together and roll the camera to capture all the moments; indulgence with our colleagues at Yoshimeatsu . For this wasn’t just dinner; it was an “eat all you can” extravaganza where the only limit was our appetite and capacity for joy.

Showcasing Teamwork and Fashion

Before Innovators began to arrive in Yoshimeatsu, the air in the office was filled with thrills and curiosity. Our sincere greetings extended had led to creative moves as we shot a 47-second ‘Happy SuiteWorks Day’ video posted on our social media (Facebook Page). Impressively, the workplace had shades of red, white, and black-a subtle touch to our company’s branding that added a splash of style to the event. Thus, Innovators dressed in these vibrant colors, adding to the festive ambiance-a striking tapestry that reflected our unity and shared purpose in jolting fashion.

Dining To Ultimate Success Experience

When seated, it was now time to get down to the feast. And of course, the pinnacle of the evening had to be the “unlimited meat” spread that Yoshimeatsu is so famous for. From juicy beef cuts to succulent pork and tender skewers, the meats just kept coming, and so did the laughter and stories being shared around the table. The endless array of options was matched only by the enthusiasm of our team in savoring each bite and moment spent with each other.It wasn’t just about dinner but celebrating the relationships that have been nurtured these last five years.
When seated, it was now time to get down to the feast. And of course, the pinnacle of the evening had to be the “unlimited meat” spread that Yoshimeatsu is so famous for. From juicy beef cuts to succulent pork and tender skewers, the meats just kept coming, and so did the laughter and stories being shared around the table. The endless array of options was matched only by the enthusiasm of our team in savoring each bite and moment spent with each other.It wasn’t just about dinner but celebrating the relationships that have been nurtured these last five years.

It was full of surprises as September babies were celebrated with a special cake of their own . Colleagues witnessed these celebrators who had worked together for years found new areas of commonality. Not to mention, newer team members felt especially welcomed. It was a time of connectedness as laughter rippled across the restaurant, melding with the season of giving.

Ian Carlo Co from Software Support Team humbly shared his thoughts, “This year’s anniversary was fun that the whole team was able to get together even for just a short period of time. The venue is great. I was not a fan of eat-all-you-can, but it’s fun when you are with your close colleagues. One of the most memorable SRx Anniversaries, in my opinion. Thank you.”

“I’m happy and privileged to celebrate SuiteWorks’ 5th anniversary with all of you. It’s been an amazing journey, and I truly enjoyed our time at Yakimeatsu. Thank you to SuiteWorks for providing such a great place to grow and succeed. I’m proud to be part of this company and excited for what’s ahead. Looking forward to many more anniversaries and achievements together!”   Rodrick John Regasa from DevOps Team happily expressed.
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Cheering for More Years to Come

As the evening drew to a close, we etched in our mind to strive harder for SuiteWorks’ growth and spirit. It was a time of rejoicing not only in what had been accomplished but also in what was yet to be done. Indeed, with renewed energy and concrete relationships in our pockets, we left Yoshimeatsu not just with full bellies but also with hearts full of gratitude and excitement for the years ahead.

Martin Anasco from HR even shared his first Anniversary experience with SuiteWorks despite facing new challenges he remained resilient with a grateful heart, “It was a great event! It was nice seeing everyone come together and enjoy a relaxing evening. One of the challenges we faced was coordinating schedules for all employees, especially with our night shift team. However, the team did an excellent job ensuring that everyone could join and feel appreciated, which was a key resolution. I think this reflects the flexibility and unity we strive for as a company. For the company moving forward, I hope we continue building on this sense of camaraderie. Let’s maintain the supportive culture we’ve built, and I’m excited about the future, especially with the team we have today. I look forward to more great milestones together!”

Many, many more milestones to come, meals shared, and moments of joy. Here’s to SuiteWorks and to the fabulous Innovators behind it!